Ambassador Wendy
"Wendy has shifted my mindset so much and has inspired me beyond what I can even imagine."
Help Us Redefine What's Possible & Fun Over 40!
Ready to Tap Into Amazing Women with Incredible Purchasing Power?!
Wendy is redefining what is possible and inspiring many other women to get out there and go after their next great adventure.....to truly GO FOR MORE!
Women today in our 40s / 50s / 60s are radically changing our paths and using our tremendous purchasing power to go after fulfilling experiences. We are prioritizing making new friends, visiting new places, trying something new and making many more memories, and it's a perfect group for your company to target.
Who better than a trusted source in this community like Wendy?!
Wendy is ready to review your products or services and see if it's something that is valuable to share with our community of inspiring and adventurous women over 40!